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Poconos Custom Home Blog

Want to Balance Your Building Budget? Start by Balancing Your Expectations

Posted by John Holahan on Feb 3, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Want-to-balance-yourbuilding-budget_-begin-by-balancing-your-expectations.jpgOne of the biggest concerns individuals have when considering building a new custom home is keeping things within their budget. Everyone has heard horror stories about building budgets that spin out of control. It doesn’t have to happen to you. But if you want to balance your building budget, a lot of the responsibility begins with you balancing your expectations.

Naturally, you have to start with a realistic budget. On the one hand, that means being honest about what you can really afford. It’s easy to get caught up in looking at images of stunning homes online, but you’re the only one who can decide what’s really within your reach.

Another aspect of having realistic expectations is having a clear understanding of what a builder can actually create within your budget. No builder will be able to deliver a $400,000 home for $200,000. So you really want to look at floor plans and designs that fall within your price range.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stick exactly with the first floor plan you see in your range. Talk to your builder and clearly outline what you have in mind and let him help you with ideas to accomplish what you want within your budget. We have a no-obligation program that allows you to schedule a call with us so we can consult with you about a budget, examples of what others in your situation are doing, design trends, and answers to your questions. Again, there’s no obligation. And we’ll suggest next steps for you—even if we’re not the right fit for you. Click here to schedule your free, no-obligation call.

Sometimes people don’t like to talk about costs. But you don’t have to be afraid of “the elephant in the room.”  Set a realistic budget with realistic expectations and then talk to your builder about how to get the most for your homebuilding dollars.


Topics: custom home budgets, Poconos Homes

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