If you’ve been entertaining the idea of building a home in the Poconos—whether it’s a vacation get-away, a family home away from suburbia, or a retirement home you’ll enjoy for years to come—there are a few essentials you’ll want to keep in mind. We like to think of them as “The Four Ps” of Custom Homebuilding (and we like that P connection because it makes it easier for us to remember!).
Choosing the right place for your new home is incredibly important. And while nice views may be high on your list (and there are plenty of great views in the Poconos), you’ll also want to consider the suitability of the lot for building, access to utilities and what kind of neighborhood (if any) you want. You can check out six different communities where we build; you can build on your own lot; or you can talk to our on-site realtor to find the perfect lot for your new home.
Great new homes don’t just happen; they come from great floor plans—designs that fit the way you like to live. Whether you’re looking for single level living for a place you can retire, or a two-story plan with plenty of privacy for your sleeping quarters, you can find great plans right here that can be customized to meet your specific needs.
Having a great location and a great design may be crucial, but so is having the right people to build your new home. Before you break ground, you want to make sure you have the right builder. That means finding someone with experience and knowledge of the area. It also means finding someone who is innovative when it comes to creating the kind of home you want—and someone who is flexible when it comes to the floor plan you choose. Here’s a helpful article about how important it can be to have a flexible builder.
Some people don’t like to talk about price, but it’s essential that you find a home that fits your budget. Over-spending can add so much stress to your life that you won’t enjoy your home. But trying to spend too little will frustrate you as well because you’ll end up with less than you really want. That’s one reason we list our homes with a starting price. It gives you a ballpark figure so that you know where you’re starting. Then you can customize your plan to make it truly yours—and you’ll know exactly what those additions will add to your cost.
So before you start picking countertops and paint colors for the kitchen and family room, make sure you pay attention to “The Four Ps”: Place, Plan, People, and Price.